14. March 2018 BAJAN Wordpress

Last December more than 2000 Slovaks, as a part of the largest survey of public opinion, have evaluated Slovakia in 2016. Slovaks have given more than 350.000 “star points” and also voted on seven new wonders of Slovakia. The obvious winner has become the High Tatras.

The questionnaire has been initiated by Goral Vodka Master. Slovak product that has received many world awards for its quality and which is proud on its Slovak origin has created a unique limited edition “7 wonders of Slovakia” in honor of the new Slovak wonders. In the time before Easter a special bottle with the 1.75 liter volume enters the market, the bottle on which the seven new wonders of Slovakia are engraved with platinum.

The obvious winner of the questionnaire 7 wonders of Slovakia has become the High Tatras that won 65% of votes from the overall evaluation. Slovak paradise with 48% votes has been placed as second. The first trinity is closed with Bojnice castle with 43% votes. This is followed by Maestro Pavol altar in Levoča (42%), Čičmany the distinctive village (37%), Spiš castle (36%) and the city of Banská Štiavnica (33%).

All seven new wonders are decorative with 22 carat platinum branded as bright platinum paste gpp 1260 on each bottle in the limited edition. The uniqueness of the platinum edition is highlighted by the fact that only 77 pieces have been made. Each bottle is therefore a collection rarity. The exceptionality of this vodka is underlined by its first owners. Those have become three best bartenders that have participated in the well-occupied international bartender competition Masters of Master. The competition took place in January in Bratislava and its participants have been bartenders working at the top-level bars placed on the Old Continent from Budapest, through Bratislava, Prague to London.

The remaining 74 pieces of the limited edition are intended for sale. The purchase can be done exclusively on the website 77dovodov.sk. The price is stated at 77€. Because of the limited number of bottles, platinum décor and originality certificate that is part of every package, it can be presumed that the price of this exclusive package will abruptly increase.

Goral Vodka Master has won as the only Slovak vodka in its 6 years of existence gold medals and many other individual awards not only in London, Hong Kong, Moscow, star-struck Californian Beverly Hills, but around the whole world as well. This unique worldly vodka can be purchased in the prestigious Moscow shopping centre Gum directly at the Red Square, in the Michelin restaurant Manor in England, in exclusive bars in London and Budapest, but also on the American market. In present day, Goral Vodka Master is distributed to 20 world countries and in 2017 another 8 should be added. The secret of its taste is hidden in 7-time distillation and in 7-time filtration. Just for comparison, the most famous and the most expensive vodkas of the world with gold bits or other attractions are filter 3 to 6 times at max. The precision of the production is followed to the detail. To ensure that the taste of the vodka will not change, bottles filled with it are not washed in water, but directly in vodka.

Thanks to all the Slovaks who with their vote in questionnaire have chosen new 7 wonders of Slovakia, this exclusive limited edition has been created which gives respect to the beauties of our Slovakia that we are so proud of.