


Water is an essential part of Goral Vodka Master. Water, as we know, is a unique phenomenon – it is a medium that carries information about the quality of the environment it passes through. Our water reflects the strength, purity, freshness and springiness of the Tatra springs. Geological investigations reveal that it flows through the Quaternary sediments of the Zuberec and White Potockian strata. The water travels a long way from the Belianske Tatras to the Ľubovnianska basin, during which it is enriched with mineral composition and filtered through rocks dating back to the Paleogene and Quaternary periods.



The secret of Goral Vodka Master lies in the use of high quality durum wheat and in the scrupulous observance of the prescribed production process. Top experts agree that quality vodka is produced by continuous distillation of pure wheat starter, with the distillation temperature set so low that the resulting product contains only ethyl alcohol and as few other (so-called fragrant) adulterants as possible. Only vodka made from quality wheat has a delicious delicate taste and leaves a beautiful spicy-velvety impression in the mouth.



The perfect production process starts with the selection of the finest wheat, which is used in a 7-column distillation process to produce a quality spirit. It is refined by special carborrefining processes guaranteeing smoothness and delicacy in relation to the delicate senses.



Goral Vodka Master’s seven-fold microfiltration system uses the most technologically advanced methods to positively influence its qualitative properties. The vodka is filtered through a special blend of natural materials, which guarantees its smoothness and fineness. These technological operations use the system of oxidation of ethanol by oxygen from activated carbon, whose absorption capacity, developed surface, time and flow rate through the components of natural stone guarantee the originality of the product.