Goral Vodka MASTER at Gourmet Festival

Goral Vodka MASTER at Gourmet Festival
14. marca 2018 BAJAN Wordpress


Aj tento rok budapešť privítala gastronomický festival svetovej triedy gourmet festival. Celé podujatie sa nieslo v duchu mota “svetová gastronómia bez hraníc” a zúčastnili sa ho nielen prominentné reštaurácie z celej strednej európy ale aj medzinárodne uznávané bary, medzi nimi aj blue fox the bar, ktorý zaujal návštevníkov gourmet festivalu skvelými koktejlovými kreáciami z goral vodky master. Pozornosť pútal koktejl immortality namiešaný z goral vodky master, aged meloncello, lavender bitter, ktorý bol ozdobený

Goral Vodka MASTER at Gourmet Festival
BAJAN Wordpress

This year Budapest has again welcomed the gastronomic festival of the world class called Gourmet festival. The whole event has been carried out in the “world gastronomy without borders” spirit and not only did prominent restaurants from the Central Europe participate but so did internationally acclaimed bars, among them the Blue Fox the bar that has enchanted visitors of the Gourmet festival with amazing cocktail creations made with Goral Vodka Master. Cocktail Immortality has snatched all the attention, made of Goral Vodka Master, aged meloncello, lavender bitter, and decorated.